Assuming you have valuable resources, such as a social engineering database, numerous cracked software, or even a shared account for free chatgpt, or perhaps you possess technical expertise to lead others in the world of cryptocurrency perpetual contracts, ensuring a certain reputation income for everyone. In that case, you wish to share these benefits with those who join your group chat and charge them for entry. This is where you need a paid bot.

feeMaster Bot Telegram Link

Operation Guide

1. Create a Public Group

In this step, follow the usual Telegram process to create a group chat. However, remember to set the group as public. You can find this setting in the group’s top-right corner, under “Edit Group.” Select “Public” as the group type and set the public address for the group.

2. Invite the Bot to the Group

Next, simply invite the bot to join the group chat. It’s a straightforward process. In the group settings, add a group member, and search for the bot named “pay bot” or “feeMaster.”

3. Set the Bot as an Administrator

Since the bot needs to manage new user permissions, it must be granted administrator status. Without admin rights, the bot cannot perform the function of intercepting new group members.

4. After inviting the bot, click on “Configure Group Basics”

Once the bot is invited to the group, it will send a welcome message. Below the welcome message, you’ll find a configuration button. Click on it to proceed to the configuration.

5. Clicking on the configuration button will take you to the bot’s configuration interface. Set the necessary entry fees and payment addresses.

This part is also straightforward. When you enter the configuration, you’ll find several settings. Adjust them according to your needs. The items marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory, so pay special attention. Currently, the bot only supports ERC20-USDT contracts. If you don’t have a payment address yet, you can register an account with OuYi here and set up an ERC20 payment address using the withdrawal method (10% commission cashback):

6. Start the Bot

After completing all the configurations, click on the “Start the Bot” button. The bot will check the necessary information, and if all the configurations are completed, it will start the bot service. You will receive a notification indicating the successful startup.

7. Payment Interception

Once the bot is successfully launched, new users joining the group will be intercepted. When a new user joins the group, they will be prompted to make a payment. Without payment, they won’t be able to participate in group discussions, but they will still be able to view the chat history. After 15 minutes, the user will be automatically removed from the group.

8. Payment Successful

Once the payment is successfully made, the user can start participating in the group and use it normally.

9. Payment Reminder

After the user completes the payment, USDT will be directly transferred to the specified payment address. The bot will charge a 10% service fee, which will generate a payment order starting from the fifth day of bot usage. The group owner needs to strictly follow the order amount for payment. Failure to pay on time will result in the suspension of the bot service and permanent blacklisting of the Telegram account, rendering it unable to use the bot’s functionality.